Albert Sydney Herlong (1866-1963)

Inducted 1969


Lake County

A.S. Herlong Company

Florida Citrus Commission

Citizen National Bank of Leesburg

Gulf Railroad

Foremost Fertilizer Company

B&W Canning Company


Albert Sydney Herlong was born in Ward, South Carolina, in 1866. He moved to Florida in 1897, where he grew citrus and eventually established a large number of holdings in Lake County. A.S. Herlong Company became one of the largest citrus firms of its day. Herlong’s greatest influences were in the areas of growing and marketing of citrus. He also pioneered the development of cooperatives in all segments of the citrus industry.

In 1935, Herlong was appointed to the Florida Citrus Commission where he later served as their chairman. He also served as a chairman of the board for Citizen National Bank of Leesburg and as the director for the Gulf Railroad, Foremost Fertilizer Co., and the B&W Canning Company.